About sourcing

At Wingman Group, our goal is to empower small, medium and large businesses, to confidently source products from Greater China (China, Hong Kong and Taiwan) by overcoming language and cultural barriers, ensuring supplier reliability, and ensuring product quality.

We understand that many businesses are hesitant to source products from Asia due to uncertainty around the reliability of suppliers, high minimum order quantities (MOQs), and lack of time and resources to travel to the region.

Our dedicated team has years of experience and we have an extensive network of contacts across a variety of industries and product sectors. We leverage our knowledge and experience to help our clients navigate the sourcing process, and take care of everything from supplier  research, initial contact, to coordinating production of samples, price negotiations, order handling and shipping. By utilizing our expertise, businesses can save valuable time and money without having to travel to Asia.

Let us help you find the right sources in Asia and become more price competitive. Click below for more information about how Wingman Group can assist you and watch our short explainer video to have a clearer picture of our services.